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Active Learning Center 8-033, AV Assignments, BSB 3-1, BSB 7-1, BSB-FM&D Public Space, BSB-Lecture Hall 1, BSB-Lecture Hall 2, BSB-Lecture Hall 4, BSB-Lecture Hall 6, College of Medicine, College Of Nursing, COM Residency Interviews, Computer Based Exams, Computer Labs, Conference Room 1-002K, Content Creation Studio, Daily Schedule of Activities, Daily Schedule of Activities - STCTR, Daily Schedule of Activities-BSB, Daily Schedule of Activities-HSEB, Daily Schedule of Activities-PHAB, EDTS, Exams, Featured Events, Graduate School, Grand Rounds, HSEB- Health Informatics Computer Lab, HSEB-234-Library Conf Room-Second Floor, HSEB-6-007 Computer Lab, HSEB-Alumni Auditorium, HSEB-Atrium, HSEB-Center for Healthcare Simulation, HSEB-Classroom 1A, HSEB-Classroom 5A, HSEB-Classroom 5B, HSEB-Classroom 6A, HSEB-Classroom 6B, HSEB-Classroom 8B, HSEB-Classroom 8C, HSEB-Classroom 8H, HSEB-Classroom 8I, HSEB-Classroom 8J, HSEB-COM Computer Lab 6I, HSEB-COM Student Labs 5A - 5I, HSEB-COM Student Labs 6A- 6H, HSEB-CON Computer Lab, HSEB-CON-Classroom 8K/L, HSEB-Faculty Lounge, HSEB-Grove, HSEB-Impact Conference Room, HSEB-Lecture Hall 1A, HSEB-Lecture Hall 1B, HSEB-Multipurpose Room, HSEB-PC Training Room 1, HSEB-PC Training Room 3, HSEB-PC Training Room 4, HSEB-Richard Levere Conference Room, HSEB-Small Group Room A, HSEB-Small Group Room B, HSEB-Small Group Room D, HSEB-Small Group Room E, HSEB-SOHP Computer Lab, HSEB-Special Functions Room, PHAB-Classroom 2A, PHAB-Classroom 2B, PHAB-Classroom 2C, PHAB-Classroom 2D, PHAB-Classroom 2E, PHAB-PHAB Hall A, PHAB-PHAB Hall ABCD, PHAB-PHAB Hall B, PHAB-PHAB Hall C, PHAB-PHAB Hall D, President's Office, Renovations, School of Health Professions, School of Public Health, SoHP - Diagnostic Medical Imaging, SoHP - Health Informatics, SoHP - Midwifery, SoHP - Occupational Therapy, SoHP - Physical Therapy, SoHP - Physician Assistant, SPH Manhattan - 1813, SPH Manhattan - 1815, Student Organization, Tech 1, Tech 2, Tech 3
FM&D: CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS; 6:00 AM - 11:00 PM Health Informatics Lab Computer LabsSTDNTAFFS/COM: RESIDENCY INTERVIEWS; 7:30 AM - 7:30 PM 3-1 Conference Room BSB 3-1, College of Medicine OB/GYN: CLERKSHIP LECTURES; 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Classroom 1A AV Assignments INFOSER: PREP FOR HOLIDAY LUNCHEON FOR ERNIE; 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM PHAB Hall A, PHAB Hall B, PHAB Hall C, PHAB Hall D NSGED: UHD RN & ASSISTIVE STAFF NSG ORIENTATION; 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Classroom 2A AV Assignments NSGSVCS: CERNERBRIDGE BLOOD ADMINISTRATION TRAINING SESSION; 8:30 AM - 4:45 PM PC Training Rm 3 Computer Labs SOHP: COMPREHENSIVE EXAM FOR PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY STUDENT; 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Lecture Hall 6 BSB-Lecture Hall 6 COM: UNIT 3: INFECTION & HOST DEFENSE; 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Lecture Hall 2 AV Assignments, BSB-Lecture Hall 2, College of Medicine COM: UNIT 6: BRAIN MIND AND BEHAVIOR; 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Lecture Hall 4 AV Assignments, BSB-Lecture Hall 4, College of Medicine PSYCHIATRY: ORIENTATION; 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Classroom 2B COM: UNIT 6: BRAIN MIND AND BEHAVIOR; 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Lecture Hall 4 AV Assignments, BSB-Lecture Hall 4, College of Medicine COM: UNIT 3 PBL INFECTION & HOST DEFENSE; 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Classroom 8C, Classroom 8H, Classroom 8I, Classroom 8J AV Assignments, College of Medicine SOHP: PA PROGRAM FACULTY AND STAFF PROGRAM RETREAT; 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Faculty Lounge COM: UNIT 6: BRAIN MIND AND BEHAVIOR; 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Lecture Hall 4 AV Assignments, BSB-Lecture Hall 4, College of Medicine DEV&PHIL: STAFF MEETING; 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Richard Levere Conf Rm PEDS: NOON CONFERENCE; 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM Lecture Hall 1A AV Assignments COM: UNIT 3: INFECTION & HOST DEFENSE; 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Lecture Hall 2 AV Assignments, BSB-Lecture Hall 2, College of Medicine COM: UNIT 6: BRAIN MIND AND BEHAVIOR; 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Lecture Hall 4 AV Assignments, BSB-Lecture Hall 4, College of Medicine IM: RESIDENT DIDACTICS AND NOON CONFERENCE; 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Classroom 2E AV Assignments COM: UNIT 3 PBL INFECTION & HOST DEFENSE; 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Classroom 8C, Classroom 8H, Classroom 8I, Classroom 8J AV Assignments, College of Medicine MEDICINE: ENDOCRINOLOGY FELLOWS CONFERENCE & BROOKLYN ENDO CLUB MTG; 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Classroom 6A AV Assignments ORTHO/SURG: ORTHO/SURG: ACADEMICS RESIDENCY PROGRAM; 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Lecture Hall 1A AV Assignments STDNTORG: GLOBAL HEALTH WEEK DAY 1 SCREENING WRKSHP; 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Lecture Hall 1B BASKETBALL INTRAMURALS; 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Gymnasium 1 Table and 2 chairs at the half court like
2 sec... DHWS - UNIT 3 PANEL; 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Zoom Room 3 |
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